Crafts. Discover Life's Little Pleasures !

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Workshop Plan:

A. Importance of Gift Wrapping :

  • Introduction
  • Why do we wrap a gift ?



B . Materials and Basic Techniques

  • Different wrapping materials
  • Measuring & Cutting paper according to requirement
  • Using tapes and ribbons
  • Tying knot and 2 quick and elegant bows
  • Using gift tags
  • Using bubble wrap for fragile items
  • Using ready made decorations and trims


C. Wrapping of :

  • Square & Rectangular shapes
  • Cylindrical shapes
  • Garments/Apparel - Tops/Shirts/Trousers
  • Odd shaped Gifts
  • Cosmetics & toiletries
  • Bottles       







Roll-up, shape , twist an glue up strips of paper to create decorative designs. A craft that originated during the Renaissance and undergone many transformations in technique, style and materials over the ages, is gaining popularity due to the versatility and low cost of material.

Come join our workshop and learn to use Quilling for decorating cards, bags, boxes  and all you can think of , or create standalone 3D items, or combine with painting and other crafts … Explore unlimited possibilities with a simple craft !!




Bags, Tags & Envelopes


Paper Crafts for the Home


Origami for Children